1. Any sort of ragging is a serious violation, and anyone caught engaging in it risk harsh punishment or perhaps expulsion from the college.
  2. Students are not allowed to engage in any behavior that could harm the image of the institution, either on or off campus. They must abstain from any behavior that is biased towards a certain community or gender.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs of any kind on college campuses.
  4. Students shall attend the classes regularly. Only those having 75% of attendance will be allowed to take the exams.
  5. Students must carry their identity cards and frequently monitor the notice board and college website for updates.
  6. While using the laboratory's apparatus and equipment, students must follow all required safety precautions. Every other piece of college property will likewise be properly maintained by them.
  7. Students shall visit central library at least once in a week.
  8. Students shall be courteous to the teachers, non-teaching staff and fellow students and co-operate with the authority in all activities related to the betterment of the institution.
  9. Course fees and all other payments must be made by students on time, as instructed.   They are not allowed to give money to anyone within the College without the authority's knowledge and approval.

Last Modified : Tue 12th December 2023 at 02:05:53 PM